We know that municipal (and regional) democracy cannot but fail
if society at large is not fully democratized.

But if people are awake
If they discover they have a voice
That they become well informed
And conscious of their interests...
Step by step, change can set in.

More widespread,
more informed,
more intense participation
of ordinary citizens
in decisions of local importance
will strengthen civil society.
The individual benefits.
The community benefits.
The entire society benefits.

  An example of





This proposal for discussion refers to a German debate.
It concerns the contradiction between a tendency to
centralize power,
to streamline organizations, and
advocate "bigness." And the
contrary tendency to "decentralize." To give people locally
and regionally a greater say. 
To accept that they ask, or may be asking tomorrow,
for a greater say, in their own affairs.

An Example of Regional Resistance
Why Does The SPD Rank and File React Against 
Reorganization of Party Districts in NRW?

Presently, the leadership of the Social Democratic Party in the German state of North Rhine Westphalia (NRW) tries to restructure the party organization.
What they want is a strong organization of the party in that state, under more direct control of the party leadership in Düsseldorf.
Such “restructuring”
has already occurred in a number of other German states, notably Bavaria.

This time, the district organizations are not as willing to bow to the plans drawn up by the leadership.
Especially the party organization of the Western Ruhr District opposes the plan. 
Nobody should be naive enough to believe that the district leadership does not have interests of their own that are behind their wish to preserve greater independence.
The rank and file will have to learn a lot in order to generate a district “leadership” through which they can make themselves heard, instead of one that is simply “professional,” that dodges pressure from below in order to “preserve its independence.”
Capitulating, more often than not, before pressure from the top of the party...
But clearly – the district level is closer to the rank-and-file than the state level or the federal level. To diminish its say in party affairs or to abolish this level altogether is claimed to enhance effectiveness; it certainly doesn’t enhance intra-party democracy. 


Your contribution to the debate /
Your ideas and suggestions:

mail us!    e-mail:  urbandemocracy@aim.com