Carla Lomax

Thoughts about Roseanne Barr’s Green Tea Party Proposal and the Riots in England


No, it’s not comedy. It’s real. I’m serious. We need a green (‘ecological’), anti-racist Tea Party of all poor and ‘middle class’ people in America. And barter  is fairer than commerce that cons farmers and consumers, all the hard-working people of America. And the debt problem vanishes if we abolish money. And Presidents shouldn’t get a dime as salary – or from lobbyists. They should see it as an honor  –  like Native American chiefs did. Before they could be bought by uranium and coal companies seeking permission to devastate tribal lands.


The bosses, the ‘elite,’ the political mafia that rules – they pillage the world, don’t they? They set entire countries aflame. How do they dare to have the crust and pose as protectors of peace, liberty, a ‘good order’?

Are they really above the youngsters who steal to make a living and who deal and smoke pot? Kids at the margin of society, neglected and rejected by the school system, rarely wanted by employers, poor but enticed by the televised images of a ‘rich world’ – the world of affluence, luxuries, consumerism. Then these kids see a buddy killed by the cops, for no understandable and apparent reason. They explode, they loot, they burn. No, it’s not a sane answer, it’s not a solution. But what right does Mr. Cameron have to talk about scum? What right does Mr. Blair have, to denounce them? Or Mr. Brown. All those people in high office… People again and again in bed with the rich. Even with a multi-billionaire who wiretaps the conversations of widows grieving about soldiers sent to war.




Jessica Grose, Why Roseanne Barr could be the woman to take on Sarah Palin and her fellow conservatives

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Jessica Grose, Roseanne Barr Says She's Running for President

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Stanley B. Greenberg“Why Voters Tune Out Democrats”, in: The New  York Times, July 30, 2011 

Occupy Wall Street



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