An Internet Journal       Issue No. 1 (March, 2001)      ISSN 1617-8092
Click on the issue you want to check:              Issue # 1,   2,   3,   4,
See also: Special "Iraq War Issue"   and, re Lebanon,  the Special "July War Issue"
Issue # 5 [i.e.N. S., # 1, Oct. 2010], #6,   #7,   #8,   # 9,   #10,  
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see the special
issue on the
"July War"

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Urban Democracy: Editorial

The Influence of Big Money is Far Too Large

Urban Democracy: A Proposal

We Propose A Discussion: The Example of S. Brazil

An Exemple of Regional Resistance: Why Does The SPD Rank-and-File React Against Reorganization of 
Party Districts in NRW?

Urban Self-Rule

Debate: Who Is the Ordinary Citizen?

Local Self-Determination!
And Cooperation!

Urban Democracy is intended as a forum of debate 
open for all those those longing for a society of awake, committed, citizens 
caring for the public cause, la chose publique, die oeffentliche sache, 
res publica. The Editors of Urban Democracy propose to put
the goal of strengthening political participation of
ordinary citizens on the top of their agenda
Is the Greek polis a workable example in today's 
globally interdependent world? 
 Does the concept of free association, of  rational democratic 
debate, of foresight, coordination, compensatory justice 
provide practical clues?

We know that municipal (and regional) democracy cannot 
but fail if society at large is not fully democratized,
in the sense of meaningful influence and  a real voice
 for the majority that is at present allowed only to vote 
every four or five years while the important
 decisions are taken by professional 
       politicians susceptible to the pressures of the few, 
most often those with a lot of money. 

But we also know that society at large cannot be fully 
democratic if local (and regional) affairs are left 
unattended by local people failing to empower
themselves to decide the very things that affect them 
in an essential way at their very doorsteps. 


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Contact the Urban Democracy Group (Aachen, Germany) Send an e-mail to: the.editors

